The OneMindSet Story on Overcoming Strongholds

Title: WOGM April 14, 2024 - Church Notes
Subtitle: The OneMindSet Story on Overcoming Strongholds

Today's service at Word of God Ministries (WOGM) delved into the profound spiritual warfare we engage in, not with the world, but with our own inner demons and generational strongholds. This discussion is not only pivotal for our personal spiritual growth but also resonates deeply with the mission of The OneMindSet Foundation, which aims to rebuild communities through strengthening family structures and fostering business acumen rooted in solid, biblical principles.

Scriptural Foundations:

Our journey began with the Apostle Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, where he reminds us that our battles are not waged through worldly means but through divine power capable of demolishing strongholds. We are called to demolish every argument and pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

This message sets the stage for understanding that the struggles we face often stem from entrenched lies and fears passed down through generations, which we are empowered to overcome through Christ.

The Battle of the Mind:

Reflecting on James 4:10, we recognize the internal war that stems from desires that battle within us. This war is not just a skirmish over wants and needs; it's about the fundamental conflicts that define our spiritual existence.

The concept of 'confirmation bias' as discussed today shows our natural tendency to seek information that confirms our preconceptions, often excluding opposing viewpoints. This bias can fortify the strongholds that imprison us, making it crucial to embrace a mindset open to truth and change.

Generational Strongholds:

As we delved deeper into the scripture, Romans 7:15-23 illustrated the Apostle Paul’s struggle with sin and his body's war against his mind. This personal conflict underscores the reality that even the willing spirit can be thwarted by the flesh's weaknesses unless fortified by divine strength.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:23, we are reminded of God’s desire for our sanctification—our whole spirit, soul, and body preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This holistic sanctification is what we strive for as we seek to overcome the personal and generational strongholds that hinder us.

The Call to Action:

Jeremiah 1:9-10 was particularly poignant, reminding us of God’s empowerment to His people to overcome and uproot the strongholds before us. Just as Jeremiah was set over nations to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant, so too are we equipped to do the same in our lives and our communities.


Today's teachings compel us to consider the strongholds in our lives—those generational patterns that might affect our children and the future generations if not addressed. The OneMindSet Foundation, aligned with today's sermon, is dedicated to breaking these cycles not only through spiritual means but through practical, community-based solutions that empower individuals and families.

By integrating spiritual wisdom with practical life skills, we aim to create a sustainable impact that transcends generations, embodying the true essence of overcoming through the power and wisdom of God.

In closing, let each of us take a moment to reflect on our own strongholds. What are we protecting? Why are we resisting change? Let us step into the light of truth, armed with the knowledge and faith that through God, we have the power to transform not only our lives but also those of the entire community. Together, let us build a future where each person is free to fulfill their God-given potential, unshackled by the past.