As the holiday season approaches, the OneMindSet Foundation recognizes that many families are struggling to make ends meet. And, to support and help these families, the OneMindSet Foundation is hosting a “A Giving Mindset” on November 20, 2021, where families in the Shreveport community can receive a hot meal in a safe and fun environment. At The Hattie Perry Park Community Center
“A Giving Mindset” will be a holiday-centered community event where families can receive a hot meal. This event will be family-centric and community-minded with games for kids like BINGO, “cake walks”, ring toss, hopscotch, jump rope, and board games; and, the adults will be able to play like BINGO, spades, dominoes, and Uno. Local entrepreneurs will be able to set up vendor booths and pop-up shops to help them grow their businesses, revitalize commerce in our city, and provide low-cost holiday gift options for their neighbors. Families will also be able to sign up for the Angel Tree program, where they make their family wish list and then create a special keepsake ornament for their holiday angels. #OneMindSet !